crystal castles
march 22 @ churchill's pub, miami
"the crystal castles were next, and there was a sign that something was going to happen as they took longer than expected checking audio. they began to play and alice managed to hype up the audience. then came the problem: ethan's keyboard could no longer be heard. he got frustrated and screamed in the microphone, "fuck this place!" they walked off: the drummer, alice and ethan. for a couple of minutes, they huddled at the bar, and the audience said nothing, whereas in other venues, the audio guy would have been assaulted. crystal castles decided to come back and perform a short set, with ethan on drums and alice on vocals, but no keyboards. luckily, they played great and had all the kids dancing.
after their set, scenestar chatted with ethan:
ss: how was the gig at mansion? (the presets, crystal castles and peaches had played a gig at mansion, a south beach venue, two days before.)
ethan: it's a really fancy place. [laughs] very swank. totally packed.
ss: were you wowed?
ethan: we are never wowed by anything.
ss: so what wows you then?
ethan: umm ... what wows us? umm, nothing.
ss: crystal castles releases the majority of its songs on EPs. is there a plan to put them all together on one album?
ethan: we have a lot of EPs. about six or seven. but our debut album will come out; we hope by the end of this year.
during the conversation, ethan mentions that they can't wait to hang out on miami beach while it rains. i recommend that when they visit chicago, to taste the pan pizza. and one thing we agree on is that in order to have the best audio, a band should bring its own audio guy.
photo and interview by paula gonzalez
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