Monday, October 21, 2024
review: new band of the week, december 6, 2007.
preview for their concert at the riviera, march 2011.
Saturday, October 19, 2024
toshiba's time sculpture commercial, 2008
in 2008, the track “air war” by crystal castles was used in toshiba commercial “time sculpture” to promote toshiba's high-definition television upscaling technology.
the piece, which comprised a collection of interacting loops sequenced into a moving shot, was created in collaboration with advertising agency grey london, based on a video art proposal by director mitch stratten. time sculpture holds the world record for the greatest number of moving image cameras used in a single shot.
time sculpture was directed by mitch stratten and the shoot was handled by production company hungry man with post-production completed by the mill in london.
text by wiki
review: сrystal castles: fuck yeah! doe deer, april 20, 2010.
i go to myspace of crystal castles and what i find there:
complete with a cover that could drive even a shy, reserved girl like me crazy.
because the crystal castles are the necessary evil in the life of any overgrown teenager, coming of age in the midst of the technological age and finding in this duo all the nihilism of a historical period too neurotic for warm hearts and thinking heads; the right compromise between a hypnotic 1980s video game, softcore porn and the melancholy we lost along the way.
“doe deer” is the first taste of crystal castles' second album, and i assure you i can't get it out of the player; a track as short as it is violent i haven't heard since 1997. in a little over a minute and a half i find all the anger i had lost, managing to channel it into a single track. fast as lightning is like scratching the teacher's blackboard and not having the strength to plug your ears, a necessary noise.
doe deer's 12” vinyl is already a fetish to absolutely own and consume, but i already know it will be impossible to get it.
instead, crystal castles' second album will be released on june 7 and here i take the liberty of pointing out the resounding lack of originality of the duo, who merely titled the new album exactly like the first: crystal castles.
but little matter.
the next step for crystal castles will be to conquer the widest slice of the audience you can have for a party-animal band. You will hear more about them. because they are that novelty you don't expect, that bombshell ready to burst when menno expect it, destroying everything within range.
ethan kath and the beautiful alice glass are an explosion of energy, hard and pure. powerful as a kick in the gums they are ready to make you dance next april 28 in milan, waiting as soon as possible for the release of “crystal castles.”
(translated from italian)
topman nme new noise tour may 2008.
Thursday, September 19, 2024
crystal castles at digital, april 17, 2007.
alice glass of crystal castles. she spent most of the gig writhing across the heads of the audience or being pulled around by the security who just couldnt work out what to do with her. this is a moment of calm, frozen by the strobes she has either side of the stage.
by kevinmason
Thursday, August 22, 2024
crystal castles show at the birmingham carling academy 2, august 28, 2008.
review: new band of the week, december 6, 2007.
no 242: crystal castles paul lester hearts these darlings of the electronic underground, whose 'songs' sound like a load of game...

crystal castles march 22 @ churchill's pub, miami " the crystal castles were next , and there was a sign that something was going...
i go to myspace of crystal castles and what i find there: "DOE DEER 12” vinyl: 500 COPIES. APRIL 17, 2010. 1 TRACK FROM THE NEW ALB...
computer love the intimate punk pulse of crystal castles . crystal castles makes electronic music that sounds like dial-up modems making ...